
  • SH Financial Solutions

  • Cascading Life Insurance Strategy: Tax-efficient way to accumulate and transfer wealth across multiple generations.
  • Asset Protection: Potential creditor and liability protection could make segregated fund investments an excellent choice for business owners as well as the ability to lock in market gains and bypass probate and public record.
  • Insured Retirement Strategy: Fixed income investment with returns guaranteed for life structured to result in higher after-tax cash flow compared to a fixed investment with a separate insurance component to preserve the original estate capital.
  • Corporate-Funded Insurance: Paid with corporate dollars to create tax- efficient growth on assets held within the corporation with the ability for the death benefit to be paid tax free to share holders depending on the Capitol Dividend Account credit available.
  • Charitable Insurance: Gift insurance proceeds at time of death by naming the charity as the beneficiary to reduce estate tax liabilities or make the charity the owner to obtain an annual receipt to reduce ongoing annual tax liabilities.
  • Corporate Life Leveraging: Ability to collateralize cash values of insurance owned by the corporation as a flexible financial planning tool to either fund the shareholders retirement tax-efficiently or take advantage of business purchase opportunities when funds are needed.